🚴 Spring 2023 ride to rejuvenate my soul
I noticed a lot of private land, and I wonder why. How did they get it? I’ve read enough about the enclosure acts and the commons to know a lot of dodgy stuff happened in the past, and we are still living with that legacy (see Who Owns England and Land In Our Names for some more about that).
There's a lot of horse stuff in the countryside. Bridleways (which you are allowed to cycle on, yay!), fields with horses standing around, stables, horse vehicles, fields with those white…
Almost all the food I saw growing was (most probably) not for direct human consumption, but for animal feed. Huge fields of broad beans growing which they let grow, die,…
I'm back home again. And as usual, lots of Things To Do in life, which right now is exciting, but can also be overwhelming. The linear life of a bike…
oh, here's my path onward
I wasn’t expecting to be dragging my bike through snow, but that’s like life. I have enough resources to manage. I’ll sure appreciate to be in a cosy house after the trip!
I had a nice couple of days visiting a friend in Oxford. Now back out into the snow. Well, kind of snowy wet slushy stuff.
Me waffling about land use for animal feed. No data, only assumptions.
Last night I was camping by some ruined farm buildings and loving the calm quiet post apocalyptic vibes.
As a contrast to my Morning Mindful Moment the other day, the same duration, but in a city.
Knots seem like magic to me. Generally if I tried to invent one, it would end up a tangle that immediately comes undone with a tug. Useless. Whereas a proper knot holds together beautiful. Here’s a video the ones in use for my tarp setup the other night.